Create account
Edit account
Delete account


Add  business
Banner photo
Subscription fees
Edit/delete business


Add product
Prohibited products
Edit/delete product


Set delivery fees
Selecting courier
Large parcels


App Commission
Bank Charges


Track Orders
Update Order Status


Processing time
Outstanding payments
Bank account details
Payment disputes

Shops / Retailers

Create an account

Creating an account is absolutely free.
1. Click “Sign-up”.
2. Add your full name, email and password
3. Click “Create Account”Go to “Account” tab to edit your profile, or to create a listing.

Edit account

Go to Account tab, below your display name,  click "Edit" and then save any changes.

Delete account

Go to Account tab, then click "Delete Account". This will permanently delete your personal data. Any associated business profiles/listings, customer orders, etc will be permanently deleted after 30 days.

Add a business

Banner photo

Business photo must be reflective of business offerings.
Important: Do not add promotional texts, contact numbers or watermarks on the banner photo.

Subscription Fees

There are no subscription fees.

Edit/delete business

Go to  My Businesses. Select the business, at the top right corner click Edit or Delete.
For security reasons, businesses will be parked for deletion for 30 days. Afterwhich, all data will be permanently deleted and will not be recovered.

Add products

1. Select the business, at the top right corner click Edit.
2. Click + Add Product button, just below the business details.
3. Upload product image, complete product details and click save.
4. Click “Preview” to see what the product would look like to the users.
5. Click “Publish” to make the product available to the app users.

Prohibited products

You can sell anything, as long as they are legal. In general, the following are not allowed:
1. Counterfeit or imitations of branded, patented or trademarked products.
2. Jewelries or precious stones.
3. Medicines, or any products being promoted as medicine o medical treatment.
4. Tech gadgets such as cellphones, laptops, xbox, etc. (unless you can demonstrate that you are a genuine, licensed distributor).
5. Any other unacceptable products, at our discretion.

Edit/delete product

Tap the Edit button next to the product name, update details and click save.
To delete a product, click Delete button at the top right corner.
To remove product without permanently deleting them, click Unpublish button at the top right corner. For example, if you have stopped accepting orders for the product or lets say, the product is out of stock.

Set delivery fees

1. Click the listing and Edit at the top right corner.
2. Scroll down to Delivery fees section and enter your delivery fees for:
a) Within the same City
b) The rest of the State
c) The rest of Australia
For example, if your business is based in Sydney, enter the delivery fees within Sydney, rest of NSW (for example New Castle, Wollongong, Orange, etc), and for the rest of Australia. You can edit this at any time. Also, don't forget to factor in the packaging cost and the weight of the packaging  when estimating the delivery fees. Note that you can be charged extra for the weight of your packaging.

How it works
When a customer checks out their cart, the app will automatically assign the delivery fee based on the customer’s delivery address. For instance, whether the customer’s delivery address is within the same city or within the same state as your business.

How much delivery fee can you charge
This depends on your courier of choice, and also your strategy. A very high delivery fee may discourage customers from buying, while very low delivery fees can eat up your margin.

Selecting Courier

You are free to use the delivery service providers of your choice. However, sellers in our app use Sendle.com. Key benefits are:
1. They are mostly cheaper than Australia Post.
2. They will pick-up the parcel from your location. If you submit your request before  12:00noon, they will pick it up within the same day. It means, you don't have to physically bring your products to the post office.
3. It is fast and reliable. Items are generally delivered within the next day.
4. They deliver across all States.
5. The more you use them, the cheaper the rate becomes.

Other viable option we know of is Australia Post. It offers a flat shipping rate across Australia for certain package weight.

Large parcels

There may be an instance where the ordered items may exceed your courier's weight limit. It is suggested that you factor this into your shipping rate, and describe the shipping rate limits within your business description so that buyers are fully aware of any additional charge for overweight items.

Depending on your strategy, you may decide to either:
1. Absorb the additional delivery cost,
2. Contact the customer to arrange additional payment. Contact details (email and mobile) are available in the order details, or
3. Cancel the order and refund the customer. Consider that this will result in a negative customer experience and you may receive negative customer reviews.

App Commission

We take 15% commission from every product sold in the app. You will notice that when you add a product, the app will automatically calculate the amount it will be sold for in the app. For example, if your price is $8.50, the product will be sold in the app for $10.

Bank Charges

Credit card fees are charged against the customers and are added to the customer's total bill. This can range from 1.25% to 2%, depending on the type of credit card used.

Track Orders

You will get an app-notification whenever you receive a new order. It is important that you enable you app notification on your phone to receive this.  
To see customer orders:
1. Got to Account tab and click Store Orders button.
2. Toggle between Open Orders and Completed Orders tabs to see open and completed orders.
3. Click the Order  to see  details.
It is good to check this at least once a day, in case you missed the notification!

Update Order Status

At the very bottom, select status from dropdown menu and click save.

Order Received – The initial order status indicating that the store has received their order.
Preparing Order – Means the order is being packed, or prepared for delivery.
Awaiting Courier Pick-up - Means all set, just waiting for courier pick-up.
Received by Courier – Means the package has been collected by courier and a tracking number has been assigned. Add tracking number so customers can self-track their orders.
Completed – Means the order has been received by the customer. The status can be tracked using the courier’s tracking number.

It is important that this is updated on a timely manner so that customers are aware of their order's status and to avoid customer follow-ups or complaints. Customers expects fast delivery. Lack of status updates can result in unsatisfactory customer experience.

Processing Time

Sales proceeds are processed in two (2) banking days. This is the standard processing time by bank and credit card providers.
Instant payments can be requested, subject to 1.75% processing fee. This is based on standard same-day fees by banks and credit card providers. Message us on our FB/IG pages or email us at mark@mabuhey.com if you wish to get paid on same-day payment.

Outstanding Payments

Got to Account tab and click Store Payouts button. This lists outs all payments in progress and completed. You will get an app notification whenever a payment is made to your nominated bank account.
Click on the a transaction to see detailed breakdown. This provides the details of how much will be/was paid to your nominated bank account, how the amount was calculated (i.e. net of commission), and the individual orders that were included in the payout amount.

Bank account details

To get paid you must have a bank account numbers added in the business detail.
To update bank account numbers
1. Go to Account tab, My businesses.
2. Select the business and click Edit at the top right corner.
3. Scroll down to Payment Detail section and add your bank detail.
Note: Once your business page is approved, payment details are locked in. This is for security reasons and to prevent unauthorised changes. If you'd like to subsequently update bank information, email us at mark@mabuhey.com using the same email address you used to create the business page.

Payment disputes

For any payment disputes, contact us at 0416036275 or email us at mark@mabuhey.com. We will respond to you within 1-2 business days.

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